Rafael Puig | IEEE UCF President
ECE | 3rd Year
Since first joining the club my freshman year, I've acquired firsthand experience from internships at both power generation and substation companies, along with a passion for exploring magnetic devices through undergraduate research! As President of IEEE at UCF, I look forward to encouraging growth and camaraderie within our club and creating abundant opportunities for members.
By inviting industry professionals to speak, leading diverse and well-organized projects, and facilitating a strong sense of community, Rafael aims to elevate IEEE at UCF to new heights of excellence and professional development!
Questions or Concerns?
We mainly use Discord for communication, so please don’t hesitate to reach out or ask questions. Can’t wait to meet you!
Janani Nagaraj | Vice President
CpE – 3rd Year
“My goal is to contribute to solutions to the difficult problems in our world and hopefully contribute to a brighter future for humanity. Whether through hardware/software engineering or within project management, my ambitions are set high and I welcome the challenges that lay ahead.“
By helping to lead IEEE as vice president, Janani hopes to encourage the growth of our members and bring the club to new heights!
Alex Evison | Secretary
ECE – 3rd Year
“Joining IEEE allowed me to be able to get an internship this summer and has taught me valuable skills in leadership while also being able to be apart of a community.“
As secretary of IEEE at UCF, I look forward to being able to connect with our members and providing them with the documentation they need in order to fully take advantage of what IEEE has to offer.
Michael Castiglia | Treasurer
CpE – 3rd Year
“I have previously been IEEE's Software Chair. In addition, I am currently an AMD Undergraduate Research Fellow in the department's DRACO Laboratory. Finally, I interned with AMD last summer.“
Joining IEEE has introduced me to countless friends and opportunities, which I hope to be able to pass on to new members while continuing to gain these impactful opportunities.
Orion Brown | Software Chair
CpE – 2nd Year
“During the time I've been involved in IEEE, I've done service events, robot competitions, and even conferences. These opportunities have truly helped me grow and explore the realm of computer engineering, so I want to help the club grow and develop in return!“
As Software Chair, Orion aims to revitalize and automate our club's websites and discord, hoping to better his technical skills and attract even more members!
Matias Guillen | Project Chair
ECE – 2nd Year
“Hello! My name is Matias Guillen. I am currently studying electrical engineering and serving as the Project Chair for IEEE at the University of Central Florida. My technical interests are centered around microcontrollers, such as Arduinos, as well as PCB design and RF/Microwave engineering.“
Matias's goal as Project Chair is to successfully complete our outstanding projects and enhance the documentation and organizational framework for future endeavors!
Anh Pham | Workshop Chair
CpE – 2nd Year
“Ever since I joined UCF and became a member of IEEE, I've been deeply involved in its activities. One of my ongoing projects is working on a musical Tesla coil, a fascinating endeavor that has captivated my interest.“
As Anh continues to contribute his skills and passion to IEEE via Workshop Chair, his aspiration is to excel in his current position and eventually become a capable workshop chair.
Kate Archibald | Conference Chair
ECE – 4th Year
“Hello my name is Kate! My passion lies with the themed entertainment industry. I’ve had the opportunity of interning at Universal twice, an experience that deepened my industry interest and provided valuable insights and what I can continue to contribute to our club this year. IEEE has been my home and family these past few years and I’m excited to see it grow into something bigger and better.“
As Conference Chair, Kate is the driving force behind the club’s participation in SoutheastCon, the yearly conference featuring competitions and other events. Their dedication pave the way for a successful and memorable experience for members.
Blake Walker | Outreach Chair
ECE – 2nd Year
“The fields I am most interested in are Embedded Systems and Nanotechnology. I currently work in the NanoBiosensors and Systems Laboratory at UCF. I hope to spend my sophomore year not only improving my own technical skills, but also making IEEE an even better RSO!“
As Outreach Chair, Blake aims to broaden IEEE's industry connections and be a valuable bridge connecting aspiring engineers and industry partners.
Sebastian Candelaria | Service Chair
CpE – 2nd Year
“When I started at UCF last year, I entered IEEE UCF to learn how to get involved in engineering outside my classes. As part of the service committee, I have discovered how giving back to your community, from hosting high school workshops to volunteering at robotics competitions, can make you a better engineer!“
As Service Chair, Sebastian seeks to continue giving service opportunities for our IEEE members to support STEM learning and cultivate future engineers.
Peyton Barnes | Social Chair
CpE – 2nd Year
“I enjoy playing games and occasionally touching grass. IEEE has been a great way for me and many others to make friends and I hope to continue facilitating those opportunities!“
As Social Chair, Peyton seeks to plan a bunch of fun new socials for members to participate them and encourage them to form lifelong connections!
Sydney Hayes | Marketing Chair
ECE – 2nd Year
“My hobbies outside of IEEE are baking, cooking, and reading. Within the club, I aim to connect with my peers to develop a sense of involvement and community. I look forward to meeting new people through projects and other events this year!“
As Marketing Chair, Sydney aims to keep members up to date on events and opportunities. She also intends to attract new members to IEEE!
Matthew Hernandez | ProDev Chair
B.S.A.E. – 4th Year
“Hello there! I am exctied to be the ProDev Chair for this upcoming year. I have a huge fascination for space and science. I enjoy reading, working out, and building relationships with those around me. I am interested in pursuing aerospace research in propulsion and potentially a career in systems engineering. My career goal is to become an astronaut or a mission director for NASA's future missions.“
As Professional Development Chair, Matthew aims to help fellow Knights discover opportunities and prepare for their professional careers. He will be spearheading events throughout the semester to support our members in their professional growth, enabling them to improve their soft skills while participating in IEEE.